Thursday, February 14, 2008

Open Source Installfest for Schools

Untangle and the ACCRC are organizing an installfest to donate hundreds of open source computers to Bay Area schools on recycled hardware.

Why its Cool:
  • Helps spread F/OSS (Ubuntu, Firefox, OpenOffice & more)
  • Helps bridges the Digital Divide with underprivileged users 
  • Keeps toxic computer equipment out of landfills
  • Is a cool community effort
How You Can Help:
  1. Signup and join the installfest!
  2. Help get the word out by blogging about it 
  3. Donate an old computer at one of the 4 locations: Berkeley, San Francisco, San Mateo & Marin County

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At March 02, 2008 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

andrew - way to go on organizing the marketing for the installfest. i had a great time at the berkeley location. hats off to you and untangle for the awesome initiative.


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